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What I bought; post pregnancy shopping binge

Whenever I do these haul videos, and admittedly I haven’t done one in a long while, I think WOW I have bought alot of new things. I try to justify it saying it has been over a few months but I am still always surprised how fast these things add up.

Nevertheless I am really excited about the new items and maybe more so that my body is working its way back to its former state.

Watch for items from Zara, Topshop, Anthropologie, Madewell and Mendocino.


One of the things I noticed while editing the video was that you really couldn’t see the pinstripe on the Zara Jacket; it is that subtle. Below is a picture snatched from the Zara website that shows the pinstripe up close. It is actually an off white then blue alternating stripe. I think that it is perfect that the jacket isn’t obviously striped like some sort of gangster suit.

zara blazerI also noticed that it was really hard to get a good look at the Line Knitwear sweater I bought at Mendocino. It is so long! The sweater below has the same shape but a different pattern than the one I featured in my video.

line knitwearI did purchase the last sweater at the Shops at Don Mills Mendocino, but I noticed this weekend there were some available at the Yonge & Eglinton location.

What are you guys buying this fall season and what is going to make it onto your holiday shopping list?

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