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Shopping in my closet; a shopping hiatus for February

He said the dreaded thing the other day. My husband uttered, do you think you should watch your spending?

It happens regularly around this time of year. Over spending for Christmas, then getting sucked in by end of season sales and pre-Spring goodies. Plus I will admit to having a few more packages than I remembered purchasing come to the house recently.

last purchases before shopping hiatus

some of my last purchases before the hiatus; snood, loafers, joe tee, joe checked shirt

So what I have decided is to go on a shopping hiatus. To put away the credit card and shop in my closet. I mean I am sure I have stuff that I have barely worn that needs to be in high rotation.

I mean if you were to pick any month for a shopping hiatus February has got to be the best. It is the shortest month of the year. It is also the month where Spring is pushed down our throats when it is still the middle of Winter.

I think that I can get two things out of this years shopping hiatus.

First it is a great time to analyse what is in my closet and determine what I actually need. Which is likely nothing so that leads me to the second thing; determine what I actually want.

Plus it will put relief on a painfully small bank account.

So who’s with me?

PS. Watch for a special series as I shop in my closet for a month. TBA next week!

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