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How to wear an Oversized Scarf

how to wear an oversized scarf, style a blanket scarf

The oversized scarf or blanket scarf as they are also called is my top accessory for fall and winter. It is the single article of clothing that has made the past two brutally cold winters manageable both in terms of staying warm and in terms of looking stylish.

This is how to wear an Oversized Scarf

how to wear a blanket scarf, how to wear an oversized scarf

This scarf above is probably the most recogizable of all the oversized scarves on the market. It is the original Zara Blanket scarf and has been knocked off by every other fast fashion retailer since. I am also wearing it in the most popular way.

Since most of the oversized scarves are large squares to wear the scarf as above you need to fold the scarf in half point to point so that you are left with a triangle. Then wear the larger point out front and wrap the longer points around your neck.

Depending on how you are feeling you can leave the long ends loose or tuck them neatly underneath the larger piece of the scarf.
tied handkerchief

When it gets colder I take the long tails and tie them together. This makes the scarf almost impenetrable to the cold. When the scarf is untied it tends to be looser and lets in the air. I like to tie the ends a little off to the side for a fun alternative.

how to wear an oversized scarf

These oversized scarves are also great to be worn as sort of a cape. It is a stylish alternative to a sweater when you find yourself in a pinch.

Instead of wearing the point out front turn it around and wear it at the back with the points at the front. Sweep one point across the front to go from casual to glam.

how to wear an oversized scarf

When I am planning ahead I can take the scarf cape to the next level by belting it. A belted scarf keeps the scarf tails in place and looks more polished. If you are belting your scarf with a coat you might want to roll the scarf so that it isn’t covering your shoulders as this might get a bit bunchy under your coat. The alternative is to belt the scarf over your coat, in this case you just need to make sure the belt can accommodate going over a scarf and a coat.

These are 4 easy ways to wear an oversized scarf. There are many more options as many as your imagination can think up! But I find that all of the ones I have seen are variations on the ones I have shown. My personal favourite is the second one I showed as it is the no fail way to wear a blanket scarf and stay warm in the winter.

How do you wear an oversized scarf?

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