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4 more books my Tween loves

With the extended school break we have been making sure to keep up with the kids reading. Well at first we weren’t doing much to force it but sometime halfway through lockdown we started to enforce reading every day. Even if it was just 30 minutes. This meant we started going through books faster than ever! So we now have 4 more books my tween loves. These are all series that she is interested in reading the next book as soon as she finishes the first. If you want to see our original 5 books you can see that list here.

great books for tween girls
  1. Cucumber Quest – Cucumber Quest is a graphic novel that is full of adventure. It is about a bunny named Cucumber and his sister Almond. They go on a quest to save the seven kingdoms of Dreamside from an evil tyrannical Queen. The characters are very creative. I mean there is guy who has tomato hair and another guy who is made of bacon. Lots of humor and really fun. I haven’t read this one but my tween laughs out loud while reading it.
  2. Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond – If you like the Aru Shah series or even the books by Rick Riordan you would love the Kiranmala series. We already have books 2 and 3 waiting to be devoured. This book is about a girl named Kiranmala whose life is totally normal until one day her parents go missing. She gets attacked by monsters then saved, finds out she is a princess and brought into a world of adventure. I actually really want to read this one too!
  3. The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane – This book is about a girl named Emmy whose dad disappeared when she was younger. She thought he just left her and her mom but after receiving a mysterious letter and finding a box of medallions she thinks there might be more to his disappearance and supposed death. Emmy starts a new private school in England with a secret society and starts to unravel the mystery of the school and her dad. We have read the first two books in the series and are eagerly awaiting more from this author. Less magic and more mystery than the other books in this list.
  4. Ember and the Ice Dragons – This book is about a girl named Ember who really isn’t a girl at all. She lives in a world with magic. Her father found her as a baby, a baby dragon! He cast a spell to turn her human. When it becomes harder for her to live as a normal girl in England her father sends her to live with her Aunt in Antarctica. This is where Ember, one of the last fire dragons gets to meet the ice dragons. Set in a world a bit different from ours, with magicians and world politics that are very different from our own. This book was a bit slower read but still full of adventure and we would love to read another Ember adventure.

One thing you will notice from this list is there are loads of female protagonists. We love it when a girl gets to lead the adventure or solve the mystery. Most of these books have multiple books in the series. Which means you will have lots to read for quite a while. Most of these I too have really enjoyed.

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